Establised in 1985


Establised in 1985

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Charity... needs us all, probably more than ever.

28 May 2023

As the Cost of Living Crisis affects many of us and it can seem hard to give, they need us more than ever ... As a Business Alternative has always helped lots of different charities, we help in different ways, whether it be by providing Raffle prizes or cash donations whenever we can we try to contribute. None of us know when we might need help from someone, when things are going along nicely for us we can forget that but who knows what is around the corner? With this in mind, I have decided to join in the latest Cancer Research fundraiser... this is the 100 Skips a Day in June challenge, considering I haven't used a skipping rope for about 45 years it might seem a simple challenge but trust me it's harder than you might think !!! So I'm practicing the art of skipping now, building up to 100 skips a day from 1st June for 30 days.. I actually really enjoy the actual skipping, the pounding heart, and sweating not so much but I'm hoping that it may get easier ?? As I write I have £180 donated by kind people through my Just Giving Page, hoping for as much as I can to fund more amazing work. We will all know someone affected by Cancer, 1 in 2 of us will be touched by it so along with many other worthwhile causes this is one close to my heart. If anyone can see their way to sponsor me you can use this link........ https://fundraise.cancerresearchuk.org/page/elaines-giving-page-1518